Monday, November 07, 2011

Live music is best...and I can give it to you!

Jamie Fraser Hi! Welcome to my blog. I'm Jamie Fraser, and I'm delighted that you have considered allowing me the privilege of doing the music for your event. I'm a firm believer in the adage espoused by the American Federation of Musicians that "live music is best". You could have a DJ spin CDs all night long, but he's limited by the amount of material he brings out of his library. A live performance, however, offers you a lot more flexibility--if you have specific music in mind, you can arrange to have a musician learn it ahead of time and play it live. I have an immense repertoire sampled from a library of some 13,000 tunes by artists spanning six nations and four languages--and anything I don't have in my library or don't know at all, I would be happy to learn for your event.

I offer musical services in many areas, including:

  • Background music for business functions
  • House parties
  • Musical theatre
  • Weddings
  • Composition & arranging
  • Audio production

    For more information or bookings, e-mail me at or call (613) 853-9762.
  • Blog page has moved

    Determining that technology has grown to the point where they can no longer provide the level of quality service that today's websites demand, the administrators at, where my website has been located for several years now, have decided to delete all of its free websites on December 31, 2011.

    This has meant, of course, that I have had to move my website to a new URL, Since that site has a blog section, this blog has become redundant.

    I posted a new entry there that covers what has been going on with me over the last twenty-one months. Check it out!